Mikrotik antenski kabel 0.5m, RPSMA konektori (ACRPSMA) Prikaži uvećano

Mikrotik antenski kabel 0.5m, RPSMA konektori (ACRPSMA)


Novi proizvod

1 - 2 radna dana

24 mjeseca

Količina: 1 raspoloživ (kod dobavljača)

Cijena za gotovinu (uplatu na račun):

9,09 € s PDV-om

Cijena za kartice:

10,00 € s PDV-om

Okvirna cijena po ratama:
12 * 0,83 € s PDV-om
6 * 1,67 € s PDV-om
3 * 3,33 € s PDV-om

Dodaj u listu želja

  • Diners Club International
  • Discover
  • Dinacard
  • WSPay
  • Google Pay

Više informacija

- A super low loss 50cm long RPSMA cable for superior connection quality, suited for indoor and outdoor use, this cable provides superior matching and loss values
- The name of this cable comes from combining the words “flexible” and “waveguide”, to denote the high end features of this product
- The inner conductor is silver plated copper, and both connectors are soldered, not crimped, for the best possible signal quality. Ideally suited for our BaseBox and other products with RPSMA connectors, and works with most antennas

- Frequency: up to 6GHz
- Matching: above -20dB
- Operating Temperature: -55C to 125C
- Signal loss: below 0.65dB


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Mikrotik antenski kabel 0.5m, RPSMA konektori (ACRPSMA)

Mikrotik antenski kabel 0.5m, RPSMA konektori (ACRPSMA)