BROTHER TZE661 tape black/yellow 36mm 8m


Novi proizvod

1 - 2 radna dana

2 god.

Količina: 1 raspoloživ (kod dobavljača)

Cijena za gotovinu (uplatu na račun):

28,13 € s PDV-om

Cijena za kartice:

30,94 € s PDV-om

Okvirna cijena po ratama:
12 * 2,58 € s PDV-om
6 * 5,16 € s PDV-om
3 * 10,31 € s PDV-om

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Više informacija

TZe661 Traka za oznacavanje
Proizvođač BROTHER
Proizvođačev broj TZE661
Marketing opis
Genuine Brother P-touch TZe tape is laminated, which makes it water, fade, temperature & abrasion resistant. Great for indoor and outdoor use. Engineered to print high quality labels with your P-touch label maker.
Značajke proizvoda
  • P-touch TZ label tested to the extreme
  • Abrasion resistant P-touch TZ label
  • Temperature resistant P-touch TZ label
  • Fade resistant P-touch TZ label
  • Water and chemical resistant P-touch TZ label
Atributi proizvoda
Product Description Brother TZe-661 - laminated tape - 1 cassette(s) - Roll (3.6 cm x 8 m)
Product Type Laminated tape
Adhesive Type Standard adhesive
Media Size Roll (3.6 cm x 8 m)
Printing Technology Thermal transfer
Media Colour Black on yellow
Included Qty 1 cassette(s)
Compatible with P-Touch PT-3600, PT-530, PT-550, PT-550A, PT-9200, PT-9200DX, PT-9200PC, PT-9400, PT-9500, PT-9500pc, PT-9600, PT-9700PC, PT-9800PCN, PT-D800W, PT-E800W, PT-P900, PT-P900W, PT-P950NW
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BROTHER TZE661 tape black/yellow 36mm 8m

BROTHER TZE661 tape black/yellow 36mm 8m